MacHack 1995
MacHack 1995.toast
Presentations ’92
Mike Engber (LISP)
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252 lines
(oou-dependencies :records-u
;;; start with something simple
(print "hello, world")
;;; source for simple dialog box
;;; something equivalent will be generated by the interface editor
(setf *d* (make-instance 'dialog
:view-subviews (list
(make-instance 'sequence-dialog-item
:view-nick-name :seq
:view-size #@(150 100)
:table-vscrollp t
:table-hscrollp nil)
(make-instance 'button-dialog-item
:view-nick-name :butt
:dialog-item-text "push me"
:dialog-item-action 'foo))))
;pushing the button yields an error - undefined function foo
;no big deal we just define foo and try again
(defun foo (di) (ed-beep))
;;; Process Manager
;adapted from IM VI p. 29-11
(with-returned-pstrs ((process-name ""))
(rlet ((psn :ProcessSerialNumber
:highLongOfPSN 0
:lowLongOfPSN #$kNoProcess)
(spec :FSSpec)
(pinfo :ProcessInfoRec
:processInfoLength (rlength :ProcessInfoRec)
:processName process-name
:processAppSpec spec))
(let ((name-list nil))
(unless (zerop (#_GetNextProcess psn)) (return name-list))
(unless (zerop (#_GetProcessInformation psn pinfo))
(error "getting process info"))
(push (%get-string process-name) name-list)))))
;make it into a fn - just wrap code in:
(defun get-process-list ()
;;insert code here
(defun foo (di)
(set-table-sequence (find-named-sibling di :seq) (get-process-list)))
;;; DeskTop DataBase
;See DTDB.lisp
;;; multiple inheritance & mixin classes
(defclass drag-item (draggable-svm static-text-dialog-item) ())
(setf *test-w*
:window-type :document
:view-position :centered
:view-size #@(200 100)
:window-title "draggable-svm demo"
:close-box-p t
:grow-icon-p t
(list (make-instance
:view-position #@(10 20)
:dialog-item-text "change my position"
:view-nick-name :i1
:dialog-item-action #'(lambda (di)
(declare (ignore di))
:drag-end-action-fn #'(lambda (sv delta pt)
;end action moves the item
(declare (ignore pt))
(offset-view-position sv delta))
:drag-bounds :window
:view-position #@(10 50)
:dialog-item-text "drag me anywhere"
:view-nick-name :i2
:dialog-item-action #'(lambda (di)
(declare (ignore di))
(print "hi,ho"))
:drag-action-fn #'(lambda (di)
(declare (ignore di))
:drag-bounds :none
;;nothing special about static text
;; redefine drag-item as a button & recreate the dialog
(defclass drag-item (draggable-svm button-dialog-item) ())
;;; macros
;;blast some text into the listener
(with-focused-view *top-listener*
(with-text-state (:txSize 48 :txFace (ash 1 #$italic))
(#_MoveTo 20 60)
(with-pstrs ((str "the quick brow fox"))
(#_DrawString str))))
;;fix up listener
(invalidate-view *top-listener*)
;;; What's 1000!
(defun fact (n) (if (plusp n) (* n (fact (1- n))) 1))
(fact 1000)
;;; Compiles in LISP, C, Pascal, and Fortran
(* pi);/*
*/ main() { puts ("Compiled by a C compiler"); } /*
* |# (print "Compiled by a Lisp compiler") #| *)
program chameleon (*
*) (output); (*
*) begin
writeln (*
1 ( *,* ) 'Compiled by a FORTRAN compiler'
*) ('Compiled by a Pascal compiler');
end . (*/
#define end_pascal_comment |#'( *)
;;; Compiles in LISP, C, and Pascal
(* pi);/*
*/ main() { puts ("Compiled by a C compiler"); } /*
|# (print "Compiled by a Lisp compiler") #| *)
program chameleon (output);
writeln('Compiled by a Pascal compiler');
#define end_pascal_comment |#'( *)
;;; RSA
;;1st load RSA.lisp
(defvar pub)
(defvar pri)
(multiple-value-setq (pub pri) (RSA-gen-keys 47251 35747))
;;encode & decode
(RSA-decode-string (RSA-encode-string "the rain in spain" pub) pri)
;;digital signature
(RSA-decode-string (RSA-encode-string "it's me 6/20/92" pri) pub)
;;use droppable mixin to create an rsa dialog item
(defclass rsa-widget (droppable-svm static-text-dialog-item)
((public-key :accessor public-key
:initarg :public-key)
(private-key :accessor private-key
:initarg :private-key)))
(defun encoder-fn (di target-di offset where)
(declare (ignore offset where))
(set-dialog-item-text target-di (RSA-encode-string
(dialog-item-text target-di)
(private-key di))))
(defun decoder-fn (di target-di offset where)
(declare (ignore offset where))
(set-dialog-item-text target-di (RSA-decode-string
(dialog-item-text target-di)
(public-key di))))
(setf *test-w*
:window-type :document
:view-position :centered
:view-size #@(220 200)
:window-title "rsa demo"
:close-box-p t
(list (make-instance
:private-key pri
:view-position #@(10 20)
:dialog-item-text "drag & drop to encode"
:view-nick-name :i1
:drop-action-fn 'encoder-fn
:drag-bounds :none
:public-key pub
:view-position #@(10 50)
:dialog-item-text "drag & drop to decode"
:view-nick-name :i2
:drop-action-fn 'decoder-fn
:drag-bounds :none
:wrap-p t
:view-position #@(10 80)
:view-size #@(200 100)
:dialog-item-text "I sure hope the NSA isn't watching this demo"